
Professional prospects

Although the E-PiCo programme relates primarily to the context of e-mobility, the concepts covered can be applied to a much wider range of other engineering and economic systems. The career prospects for E-PiCo graduates are therefore excellent. They can be employed in diverse industrial and economic sectors, as the courses are relevant to today’s high tech society.

On graduation from E-PiCo Master's course, the student will have acquired the following skills:

  • In-depth scientific and technical knowledge of Control engineering and the skills to use this knowledge effectively.
  • Capacity to work both independently and in multidisciplinary teams, interacting effectively with specialists and taking initiatives where necessary.
  • Capacity to communicate effectively (through both written and oral presentations) in an international context,
  • Capacity to adopt the most suitable methods for the problem at hand and select the technological components needed to implement the proposed solution.

  • Capacity to transfer high tech methodology from university to industry.

The E-PiCo Master's course has gained strong support from the industrial and academic worlds, evidence of the strong relevance of this type of international cooperation in teaching and research at the graduate level.

After the programme - Students example of current jobs

  • Power electronics Engineer for EV powertrains design (France)
  • Firmware engineer (Spain)
  • Motor control engineer for new brakes systems (Germany)
  • Programmer in a wind turbine manufatcuring company (Germany)
  • Researcher on optimal charging strategy for Electric Vehicles and Battery Storage systems (Germany)
  • Motor contol engineer for EV powertrains systems
Published on September 5, 2019 Updated on December 9, 2024